Warcraft Classic Hunter Pet Guide

If you re just starting in classic please see our summary page.
Warcraft classic hunter pet guide. This makes brokentooth the best pet for pvp against casters. Excel in 1v1 combat hunters generally can win most 1v1s verses a similarly skilled player and even players that may be of a higher skill. It will generally have a slower attack speed and deal slightly less damage. Ferocity cunning tenacity exotic beast masters only.
Learn more in our classic hunter pet guide. A visual guide to hunter pets in the world of warcraft. A visual guide to hunter pets in world of warcraft classic. How to train your pet.
There are no exotic hunter pets as there are in bfa for beast mastery hunters. Hat ein pet in einem. Tameable looks gallery. Then check out our dedicated wow classic hunter pet guide.
Find pets find pets search for pets. All the pets are hiding. Welcome to our hunter dps guide for wow classic tailored for pve content. Click the links below to navigate the guide or read this page for a short introduction.
Hunters have an abundance of cc and utility plus a pet that will constantly deal damage as long as it can stick to a target. Check out our dedicated site browse pet families. Defense pets defensive pets typically have higher health or armor and can withstand more attacks. After world of warcraft classic info.
You must select at least one family specialization above ferocity cunning or tenacity. In classic wow hunter pets are classified under 3 different categories. Every other pet cat or otherwise have 1 2 attack speeds or higher. Um den rahmen dieses guides nicht völlig zu sprengen gehen wir nicht auf jede einzelne kategorie an tierischen begleitern ein sondern liefern euch kompakt die fakten.
Show or hide family categories. Brokentooth is a rare cat found in badlands and one of the most sought after pets in wow classic for hunters. Here you will learn how all you need to know to play the hunter class as dps. Each pet family now has a set specialization ferocity cunning or tenacity that cannot be changed.
Battle for azeroth also brings 5 new pet families to the table blood beasts krolusks exotic pterrordaxes exotic toads and lizards. Pages in this guide. 1 introduction 2 spell summary 3 builds and talents 4 pets guide 5 rotation cooldowns and abilities 6 stat priority 7 enchants and. Forums petopia welcome to our classic site.
Pet attack speeds caster pets. Pet guides pet guides pet differences in classic.