Warcraft Pets Guide

List wow battle pets by zone including all wild pets.
Warcraft pets guide. Remember anything worthwhile in world of warcraft takes some effort. But the rewards are worth it trust me there s simply no feeling like the one you get when your pet finally drops after killing over a thousand mobs. A visual guide to hunter pets in the world of warcraft. Click on a family to see how you can obtain it.
The currency you ll need for the pets is brewfest prize tokens and you ll get this by completing various dailies and quests in the brewfest areas as well as the daily holiday dungeon. For all three pets you ll need a total of 500 tokens. Or since they re cageable you can head to your nearest auction house and purchase them there. Petbattles aktuelle tipps und guides zu den haustierkämpfen in wow gibt s bei uns auf buffed de.
Guide to wow pet battles by quintessence and breanni wow pet battles are a new type of turn based mini game within world of warcraft. These families can only be employed while you re using the beast mastery specialization. Pet battles allow players to raise their companions level up to level 25 capture wild pets and even battle other players companions. Pets marked with a green paw and found throughout the world but not on the map and your pet is not max level it will gain some experience from that battle.
The requirements for your pet to gain experience are that it must be alive at the end of the battle and it must have been the active pet for one turn although it doesn t need to perform any actions. Lest unsere guides für anfänger und fortgeschrittene zu erfolgen add ons. This guide offers strategies to help you deal with the challenges that lie ahead. It s the first site of its kind enabling wow players to track and share their virtual pet collections online.
When you battle against wild pets i e. Archaeology for pet collectors a complete guide to wow archaeology with a special focus on creating all of the archaeology related companion pets. Kirin tor familiar guide a complete guide for earning the higher learning achievement which unlocks the kirin tor familiar vanity pet. Warcraftpets is a world of warcraft fansite for players who enjoy collecting a variety of the game s companion battle pets.
Plus we ve got all sorts of tools and. Also sort by zone and wild pet levels. Browse world of warcraft battle pets by family in warcraftpets comprehensive bestiary of wow companions full of battle stats and info for pet collectors.