World Of Warcraft Classic Pet Guide

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World of warcraft classic pet guide. Classic pets are called companions. Companions take up bag and bank space and must be right clicked to summon. Aquatic beast critter dragonkin elemental flying humanoid magic mechanical and undead. Classic hunter pet diets across the world of classic azeroth there are a total of 6 different foods you can feed to your pet.
Ihr könnt den begleiter aussuchen der sich für eure zwecke am besten eignet. Bislang haben wir diese seite über. Dann besuche meine classic seite. Mit der seite wow pets möchte ich allen jägern des spiels world of warcraft eine hilfestellung bei der auswahl ihres begleiters geben.
This is mainly because brokentooth is the only pet in the game with a 1 0 attack speed. Welcome to our classic site. Ist patch 8 1 online und damit neue. Alle leser bekommen bei uns täglich kostenlos news artikel guides videos und podcasts zu world of warcraft pokémon go und anderen lieblingsspielen.
Brokentooth is a rare cat found in badlands and one of the most sought after pets in wow classic for hunters. There are 10 pet families. Spielst du gerade classic. The pet battle system as we know it today is non existent as that was introduced in mists of pandaria.
There is no collection system. Meat bread fish fruit fungus and cheese. Each pet is categorized into a group or family type. There are six loyalty ranks total so the maximum amount of training points is 300 for a rank 6 level 60 hunter pet.
Every other pet cat or otherwise have 1 2 attack speeds or higher. Pets can eat up to six different types of food. Kresh turtle 20 the wailing caverns forest moss creeper spider 20 21 hillsbrad foothills green recluse spider 21 22 duskwood besseleth spider 21 stonetalon mountains. This makes brokentooth the best pet for pvp against casters.