Wow Battle Pets Locations

With 1200 unique pets in the game it can be difficult to choose which battle pets you want most in world of warcraft organized by type this article presents the all time coolest pets in wow.
Wow battle pets locations. Synced up with the in game journal. Top 20 rated pets. Top 20 rated pets. Wild battle pets can be tracked on your minimap.
The wicker pup is a battle pet that is created by several items found in chests located around drustvar. The ultimate battle training stone s go for 60 charms a piece up from the 45 charms we paid in legion. In boralus there s dana pull at 51 46 in the hook point area. 05 17 2014 welcome to drahken s.
Complete with their moveset a picture and where to find them. Pet battles allow players to raise their companions level up to level 25 capture wild pets and even battle other players companions. Blizzard s pet store wow tcg loot quintessence s pet blog warcraft mounts warla s pet search index of all pets. This guide lists every battle pet in the pet journal.
Battle pets and where to find them archive by drahken. A z includes all 1279 battle pets also known as companions vanity pets noncombat pets and minipets. Top 5 rated pets battle 1. Now up to date for patch 5 4.
You can have your team fight them for experience or capture one at low health to add it to your collection. He offers supplies pug costumes the mechanical prairie dog and the greatwing macaw for 75 and 50 pet charms respectively. Here are warcraftpets top 20 highest rated pets. Battle pet tamers are a great way to level up pets and get battle pet rewards but they re sometimes hard to track down since they re scattered all over the place.
List wow battle pets by zone including all wild pets. This guide covers the locations of all the battle pet tamers as well as the tamer quests and rewards. Bfa ptr beta classic. Xu fu cub of xuen.
Simply go to the coordinates and loot the chests then at the end combine the items to create the wicker pup. Last updated 2018 11 07 at 10 02 pm view changelog. 5 1 also added the safari hat for completing taming the world which boosts battle pet experience gained by 10. Way drustvar 18 5 51 3 bundle of wicker sticks way drustvar 68 4 68 7 path start to miniature stag skull.
Blizzard s pet store wow tcg loot quintessence s pet blog warcraft mounts warla s pet search.