Wow Classic Hunter Pet Loyalty Levels

So what s this happiness thing all about.
Wow classic hunter pet loyalty levels. Pets can eat up to six different types of food. Raising the loyalty level would have been your first concern after taming a new pet. But there was also a time component on every loyalty level past unruly. Spielzeit die letzte voraussetzung ist eine gewisse spielzeit die zwischen den stufen gespielt werden muß.
Depending on the ui you use your pet s happiness. It determined if the pet would stay with you or run off. Loyalty gain or loss was determined by the pet s happiness. The pet s loyalty was shown in the pet tab of the character info window.
A visual guide to hunter pets in world of warcraft classic. Loyalty levels when you first tamed a pet its loyalty index was at the lowest. Charges an enemy immobilizes it for 1 sec and adds 100 melee attack power to the boar s next attack. Your pet s happiness which can also be seen in the panel above is indicated by a little face icon.
Auch ist er in der lage ohne hilfe höherstufige quests und gegner zu erledigen die kaum eine andere klasse schafft. Der jäger in wow classic unterscheidet sich teilweise stark von seinem gegenstück in der retail version des mmos. Von 1 auf 2. Jäger sind die unangefochtenen meister des levelings in wow classic.
Meat bread fish fruit fungus and cheese. Durch das pet das problemlos die aggro halten kann kann der jäger nahezu jeglichen schaden vermeiden und hat nahezu keine downtimes. Classic hunter pet diets across the world of classic azeroth there are a total of 6 different foods you can feed to your pet. Ihr müsst zum beispiel eure kreaturen füttern und so bei laune halten.
Wenn man nun weiß dass der begleiter 5 der erfahrungspunkte erlangen muß die dein jäger für die erreichung des nächsten levels benötigt ist es klar warum es einem so vorkommt. Loyalty was a property of a hunter pet. This was required even if your pet was your level which means they weren t actually gaining the xp. Diese zeiten sind der folgenden tabelle zu entnehmen.
For example to get to level 4 from level 5 you not only needed the. Young goretusk boar 12 13 westfall goretusk boar 14 15 westfall mangy mountain boar boar 14 15 loch modan elder mountain boar boar 16 17 loch modan. Can be learned by taming. Basically to gain a loyalty level your pet needed to no matter what gain at least 5 of the xp you the hunter needed for your next level.
Pet level 12 cost 9 tp. There are six loyalty ranks total so the maximum amount of training points is 300 for a rank 6 level 60 hunter pet. Mit aspekt des geparden ist. Your pet will gain loyalty equal to 5 of your xp at current level.
There are 6 possible loyalty levels which starts at loyalty level 1 when you first tame a pet. If you use the pet for long enough eventually you will progress its loyalty level up to 6. Dazu kommen sehr gute cc fähigkeiten.